Tibetan self immolator from Varanasi dies of burn injury days after tremendous effort in saving him from the initial 70% burn injury. Tenzin Choeying, resorted to self immolation to draw the attention of the world towards the Tibet issue on July 14 at his university campus in Varanasi, India and today he breathed his last at the Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.

Tibetan Self Immolator From Varanasi Dies Of Burn Injury

Tibetan self immolator from Varanasi dies of burn injury days after tremendous effort in saving him from the initial 70% burn injury. Tenzin Choeying, resorted to self immolation to draw the attention of the world towards the Tibet issue on July 14 at his university campus in Varanasi, India and today he breathed his last at the Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.

Tenzin Choeyang, 19 is a resident of South Indian Tibetan settlement, Kollegal studying at the Central University, took the extreme step of burning self at their boys dorm in the University campus. Though he has been instantly shifted to the hospital, he is being treated for almost 70% burn injury all over his body.

The young Tibetan had left behind a letter stating that he is burning his body for the freedom of Tibet. He wrote that his body is for Tibet and Tibetan youth to preserve their identity. Despite the best efforts to save his life with the support from all walks of Tibetan community, he succumbed to the injury this evening.

Tenzin Choeying at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
Tenzin Choeying at Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi

“Choeying’s condition suddenly deteriorated this morning after 10am, he is in critical condition. He keeps calling for his mother, uncle and keeps saying “བོད” bö, Tibet.” wrote Tibetan activist Tenzin Tsundue in his Facebook page yesterday as he has been giving regular updates of the Tibetan martyr.

Tenzin was airlifted from Varanasi to Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi on Thursday to provide the best treatment available. But sadly he did not survive. “Tenzin Choeying passed away at 4:50pm IST at Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi.” he wrote on his Facebook page earlier this evening. His body will be taken to Dharamshala for final rites in the greatest honour of a martyr.

See also  Except Tenzin Tsundue, 13 Tibetan Activists Released from Prison

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