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Tsering Hoping A Final Bid To Save His Deportation From New Zealand

Tsering Hoping A Final Bid To Save His Deportation From New Zealand

Tsering Hoping A Final Bid To Save His Deportation From New Zealand

Tsering Dorjee, a Tibetan man who is facing deportation from New Zealand over Immigration New Zealand’s dissatisfaction to believe his marriage to Dunedin woman as genuine is now hoping for a final bid that could save him from deportation. The period of 42 days given by the immigration authorities to convince them ends on Decomeber 20, just after few days.

Tsering Dorjee a Tibetan refugee met his wife, a Dunedin woman Patricia Goldsmith, in India. July last year. The couple married weeks later on August 5. Later they came to New Zealand after Mr. Tsering was granted an interim visa.

The immigration officials had made an unexpected visit to the couple On October 3 morning at their Dunedin home around 7am to 8am to investigate their living arrangements and question them. Due to small number of items belonging to the wife found at the apartment had made the official question the elements of ”credibility, genuine partnership and stable partnership” in the couple’s relationship.

Thuten Kesang, Honorary Secretary of the New Zealand Liaison Office of Tibet also wrote a letter to the INZ seeking assistance to the Tibetan man Mr. Tsering Dorjee by supporting that after his inspection of all their documents, found them to be legally married couple in the eyes of India system last week.

They are also said to have hosted a reaffirmation ceremony of their marriage in Dunedin last weekend. However, their final bid to save him from deportation as they are also asking remains in the Minister of Immigration’s hand to allow his stay in the discretion of his authority.

“Under section 61 of the Immigration Act, the Minister has power to grant a visa to anyone unlawfully in New Zealand, at the Minister’s absolute discretion.” said a report in the Otago Daily Times.

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